Learn how to optimize your tax strategy with key tips and insights from our in-house tax expert and founder, Cheri Turner, MBA, EA, CPA. From interpersonal professional experiences and financial opinion pieces, to strategic advice and tax facts, Wildalea's Tax Corner is the online destination for CPAs, high-net-worth taxpayers, and financial partners.

4 Reasons Why You Should Opt for a Boutique Tax Firm


Clients pick tax strategy and preparation firms for different reasons. If you are a large, multinational C Corporation that is publicly traded, a large, multinational tax firm is most likely the place for you. But for many others with business operations, diverse asset portfolios, and multi-layered taxes, the decision can be a little more cloudy. Here are 4 reasons that you should consider a boutique firm in your search for the perfect tax professional.


1. Boutique tax firms specialize in what you do. 

A small tax firm is more likely to tell you what they do and don’t know about. Instead of being a one stop shop, they focus on what they do well and either refer out or don’t take on business that they don’t know or understand. For example, I’m really good at a lot of things, but nonprofits are not one of them. I refer nonprofits out to other firms that are great at supporting that business. If you are an entrepreneur with your hands in a lot of different businesses or a real estate professional, I’m your girl.


2. Boutique tax firms have time to listen to you. 

With a selectively smaller client list, small-scale tax companies have more time to listen to you. The day is not overcrowded with the relentless pursuit of billable hours, but instead built around earnestly listening to their clients needs. 


3. Boutique tax firms remember.

A corollary to reason # 2, they were the same person who listened to you last year. Odds are, they remember when you sold that one property last spring and when you inherited a new piece of real estate over Christmas. You’re likely working with the same person who prepared your return last year and the year before that. They also keep in mind that you have that weird thing with a trust from your grandmother from Sweden.  


4. Boutique firms know you.

Probably the most important and obvious reason to select a boutique tax firm is because they know you. When your email pops up in the inbox, they can picture you and your family. They know your business, your real estate, and your needs. They care about what happens to you because they know you as a person and not as another file.


Selecting the right tax firm is not easy, especially those with multidimensional tax portfolios. There are a lot of “good” tax preparers out there, but I encourage you to find someone “great” who specializes in your specific needs and most importantly wants to get to know you. 


Wildalea is a full-service provider of tax strategy and strategic tax preparation to make sure that you are only paying your fair share of taxes. It’s our goal to remove surprises, communicate effectively and minimize your tax bill within the clear lines of the tax code. Keeping you educated, informed and compliant. 


Ready to opt for a boutique tax firm? Contact us about your tax strategy needs at